Altera JNEye User Manual

Page 136

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Figure 2-109: JNEye Batch Simulation Controller

The JNEye Batch Simulation Controller accepts JNEye simulation configuration (.jne) files. You can set

up and save their link simulation configurations using JNEye Control Module. You can then add each

individual JNEye job to the batch job list and execute all the jobs.
The JNEye Batch Simulation Controller has a built-in timer and house-keeping routine that constantly

monitors the status of simulating tasks. It can also launch more than one simulation job at a time to better

utilize the multi-core/multi-processor computing environment. Check whether your JNEye license or

license server supports multiple simulations at the same time.
After adding jobs, some key job information is shown in the job list, including simulation data rate, test

pattern, simulation length, and initial job status of “Not Run”. After simulation, key simulation results,

such as the final eye diagram height and weight, are displayed in the job list along with the simulation

The following options are available in the JNEye Batch Simulation Controller user interface:
Add—Add a JNEye simulation job to the job list. Use the file browser to locate .jne configuration files.

Delete—Delete the highlighted job in the job list.

Enable/Disable—Enable or disable the highlighted job in the job list.

Reset Select Jobs—Reset the status of highlighted jobs to “Not Run”

Reset All Jobs—Reset all jobs in the job list to “Not Run”

Clear All Jobs—Clear and delete all jobs in the job list

View Job Configuration—Open and load JNEye Control Module with the highlighted job

Run Selected Job—Execute the highlighted job


JNEye Batch Simulation Controller



Altera Corporation

Functional Description

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