Rockwell Automation 8520 9/Series CNC Lathe User Manual

Page 273

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Introduction to Programming

Chapter 10


This section should include a program name, program blocks, comments,

and end-of-program. Each block in the part program is separated by an

EOB code. The control displays a semicolon “;” to indicate the presence

of an EOB code.

Important: When performing an EOB search, the search is executed from

the beginning of the part program, NOT from the point of display.

(6) Comment

Information punched between the control out code “(” and the control in

code “)” within the program section is considered a comment, and it is not

handled as significant information (even though it is copied to and from

control memory or tape). Any number of comments can be included in a

part program, interspersed with program blocks or words.

Example 10.1

Comments in Part Programs




Each of the above program blocks contains a comment. The control does

not regard the comment as significant information, except when it appears

in the first block of the program. In this case, the comment is displayed on

the program directory screen as part of the program name.

The comment can be up to 128 characters long (including the control out

and control in codes), and it can consist of any alphanumeric characters

and special symbols. The comment cannot include the following codes:

ER, %

(rewind stop codes)


(end of block)

Important: If rewind stop codes are included in the comment, the tape

rewind function (M30) causes the rewind to stop in the comment section of

the tape.

(7) Program End

The control stops reading the part program when it reads a program end

code. The following codes can be used as program end codes:




end of program


end of program and tape rewind


end of program, tape rewind, and restart the program


end of program and end of tape code

PRGRM NAME end of program
