2 program configuration – Rockwell Automation 8520 9/Series CNC Lathe User Manual

Page 274

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Introduction to Programming

Chapter 10


(8) Tape End (Rewind, Stop Code)

The tape end code, indicating the end of a tape, is designated with either:




ASCII format


EIA format

Each individual machining operation performed by the control is
determined by the control’s interpretation of a group of words or codes

(commands) called a “block.” Individual blocks in a part program define

each machining process. Part programs consist of a number of blocks that

define a complete operation of a part.

Part program blocks are made up of:

Component of

program block:



a number, a letter, or a symbol that means something specific to the

control. For example, 1 G ; are characters that the control recognizes

as meaningful information.


a letter that defines the instruction for the control. Examples of addresses
are: G, X, Z, F.


an address followed by a numeric value. Examples of words are: G01,

X10.5, F.1., M2. Each word requires a specific format for its numeric part.

These formats are given on page 10-20 .


industry standards for many of the G- and M-codes used here. For that

reason, they are often referred to as G- or M- “codes.”


a number of fixed cycles that are initiated by a specific G-code. Other

words appearing in those G-code blocks are referred to as “parameters”

because their values are relevant only to that G-code. For example, a

Z-word generally refers to a Z axis move, but when it appears in a block

with a G83 peck drilling cycle, its value refers to the depth of the hole to

be drilled. In that case, it is a “parameter”of the G83 fixed cycle.


Program Configuration
