Guralp Systems Scream User Manual

Page 108

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Scream! 4.5

Data are stored in 4K blocks with Motorola byte order, using Steim-1

compression. If a discontinuity is detected in the incoming data
stream, then the block which is currently being built is written to disk,

and a new block is started with its time-stamp in the header. Files
continue to be created according to the options you have specified for

The MiniSEED headers are formed to comply with the FSDN SEED
naming conventions:

The instrument's serial number is used as the MiniSEED Station

Streams with sample rates ≥ 80 samples/s use H as the band
code (first character) in the Channel ID.

Streams with sample rates between 10 and 50 samples/s use B

as the band code in the Channel ID.

Streams with sample rates between 2 and 8 samples/s use M as
the band code in the Channel ID.

Streams with sample rates of 1 sample/s use L as the band code

in the Channel ID.

All streams use H as the instrument code (second character) in
the Channel ID.

Streams ending in Zn, Nn, and En use Z, N, and E respectively as

the orientation code (third character) in the Channel ID.

You can also define your own SEED names for streams in Scream's
scream.ini file. To do this, add a line to the end of the file reading


After this line, list channels you want to map, one per line, in the


SYSTID-STREAM=sta:SSS chan:CCC net:NN loc:LL




SYSTID=net:NN loc:LL


Issue K
