2 continuous printout – Guralp Systems Scream User Manual

Page 122

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Scream! 4.5

6. Ticking Null before capture zeroes all unlocked streams

immediately before taking the screen-shot (equivalent to
clicking the Zero Streams icon


Ticking Auto-Scale before capture sets the scale factor for all

unlocked streams so that each trace just fits within its lane.

If you do not Save to File or Execute Command, you can still
Null or Auto-Scale before capture; this can be a useful way of
keeping traces within a Waveview window over long periods,

even if you do not need screen-shots

The Null and Auto-Scale before capture cause the Waveview
window to be redrawn immediately before a screen-shot is

taken. If the window includes a spectrogram, this will be lost.
If you need to save screen-shots including spectrograms, clear

these two options.

Screen-shots are bitmaps, best for publishing on the Web or another
low-resolution medium. If you intend to print the traces later,
consider saving them in vector format by using Auto-Print and setting

your default printer to Print to file (or a PDF generator such as Adobe
Distiller, if you have one).

10.2 Continuous printout

Scream! includes built-in drivers for printing continuously to an
Epson ESC/p compatible printer (this includes most dot-matrix

printers, and many others, although you may need to explicitly enable
this mode on your printer). You can print in continuous mode from

any Waveview window, although only one Waveview window can be
used as a print source.

Because Scream! bypasses the printer drivers of your operating system

to enable continuous mode, you will need to set up the printer options


Issue K
