The drop shadow settings, Drop shadow x/y position, Drop shadow color – Ulead 1.0 User Manual

Page 123: Drop shadow opacity, Drop shadow blur, Using the shadow as a glow

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SpruceUp User’s Guide


The Drop Shadow Settings

There are five drop shadow settings: X position, Y position, color, opacity, and blur.

Drop Shadow X/Y Position

Position the shadow by either:

• Dragging it to the desired position by clicking on the dialog's sample graphic and

moving the shadow. Once you release the mouse button the shadow on the menu
item then updates to the new value.


• Entering values in the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) windows. Values can be from -

100 (X goes left and Y goes up), to +100 (X goes right and Y goes down). Note that
these values follow changes made in the sample graphic window.

Drop Shadow Color

Set the drop shadow's color by clicking on the color chip displayed next to the Shadow's
text. This opens the standard Windows color dialog. See the Using the Color Dialog
topic for details.

Drop Shadow Opacity

The Opacity control sets the drop shadow's transparency. The values are from 0 (completely
transparent) to 100 (completely opaque). Enter values in the Opacity window or by
dragging the Opacity slider.

Drop Shadow Blur

The Blur control sets the drop shadow's softness. The values are from 0 (no blur) to 100
(very blurry). Enter values in the Blur window or by dragging the Blur slider.

How Do I Get One Button's Shadow to Match Another's?

1 Select the button you wish to change.

2 Hold down the keyboard's Ctrl button and select the button to use as the master to

copy from. It displays with a red outline and the first button selected has a green

3 Toggle the Drop Shadow button (on the Work Area Toolbar) to off then back on.

This works with larger groups of buttons and text items too – the key is that the last item
selected is the master and the others will follow it as you press the Drop Shadow button.

Using the Shadow as a Glow

It is possible to use the Drop Shadow tool to create a glowing effect around text or buttons.
To do this:

• Set the X and Y positions to 0.
• Select a bright color or white as the Shadow's Color.

• Set the Opacity to 100.
• Adjust the Blur as desired to create the amount of glow. Smaller values create a

harder edge, providing more of a border function; larger values produce a softer edge.
