Advanced options, Source options, Write on cd/dvd media – Ulead 1.0 User Manual

Page 157: Working directory, Include

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SpruceUp User’s Guide


Advanced Options

Source Options
Source Type
– Selects whether to export the Current Project or a previously exported
Title Set or Disc Image. The actual options displayed depends on the Output To setting.
Note that the Export Summary half of the dialog always displays the information for the
current project only, and should be ignored when selecting Title Set or Disc Image.
Source Path – Use this to specify the location of the Title Set or Disc Image to write to
Write on CD/DVD Media
Number of Copies
– Specify the number of copies to be made. All copies after the first one
complete much faster since they do not need to duplicate the compile function.
Disc Write Speed – SpruceUp automatically selects the optimum write speed for your disc
drive. You may use this to adjust that setting if needed. Note that choosing a speed higher
than one at which the transfer data rate can be maintained results in a write error. Try
lowering the disc write speed if you have problems writing to the device or are copying files
across a network.

Working Directory
Title Set
– When exporting to a CD or DVD disc, SpruceUp requires a temporary directory
for writing the title set files while compiling. Since the files can be large (the size displayed
in Export Summary as Total Size), be sure to select a drive with enough space available.
This folder is also used when Output To is set to Disc Image.
This should be a directory used only by SpruceUp, since files are over-written during the
next export.

Tip: To speed up the write process, set the Working Directory to be

on a different drive than the directories containing the MPEG video and
audio files and the Output Destination (specified previously).

– Use this to select a DVD player, by default the Syzygy player, to be placed on the
