Includes items and the working directory – Ulead 1.0 User Manual

Page 172

background image


SpruceUp User’s Guide

backgrounds. SpruceUp must MPEG encode backgrounds before they can be used with the
project. Any time you transcode video files there is the potential for artifacts or subtle
changes to happen. Minimize artifacts by exporting your backgrounds as RGB files at the
correct size (720 x 480 NTSC, 720 x 576 PAL).

Includes Items and the Working Directory

It is possible for the Working Directory to accumulate unnecessary files after exports using
the Includes setting.
When Output To is set to a CD-R/RW or DVD-R drive or to Disc Image, the Includes
section of the export dialog becomes active. When you press the Write button (or Test
), the title is compiled and written to the Working Directory. Additionally, any items
selected in the Includes section are also copied to the Working Directory. SpruceUp then
proceeds to copy everything off to the final destination.

The files within the Working Directory remain even after the export has completed. This can
be useful should you decide to burn another disc or if you need to manually copy the data
The next export overwrites any files having the same names and paths with new ones, but
leaves those with no match alone. When copying the files to the disc, only the files involved
in that export are copied – others are ignored.
This leads to an accumulation of files over time. It is recommended that you periodically
delete all files within the Working Directory to avoid this clutter.
