Media gallery, Along the top, The main area – Ulead 1.0 User Manual

Page 56: At the bottom

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SpruceUp User’s Guide

Media Gallery

The Media Gallery is where you manage your assets, which can be still backgrounds,
buttons, or movies. It has three primary sections: The asset-type selection tabs, the asset
view area, and the disc space display.
Additionally, the question mark selects help relevant to the mode you are in, and the file
cabinet selects the Style Gallery dialog, used to choose the directory supplying the
backgrounds and buttons.
Below is an example of the Media Gallery.

Along the Top
Clicking on the Help icon (the question mark) opens the Help
dialog to the topic relevant to your current mode.
The three tabs along the top select which asset type to display
in the Media Gallery. The left one is for backgrounds (used to
create menus), the center one is for buttons (placed on the
backgrounds to create menus), and the right tab is for movies.
Click on the file cabinet to open the Style Gallery dialog. Use
this to select the directory to supply the backgrounds and
buttons. You can have several of these to organize your assets
based on themes (vacation, business, sports etc.) See the Style
topic for details.

The Main Area
The main area displays thumbnails of the assets for the current
Media Gallery tab (Backgrounds, Buttons, Movies). Double-click
on any empty area to open the Add Media Asset dialog. Right-
click on any asset's thumbnail to get options for it – these vary
depending on the asset type. See the Assets topic for details.
The slider appears only when the number of asset thumbnails is
greater than can be displayed on a single screen.
At the Bottom
The disc icon shows approximately how much disc space has
been used for the current project. A green color indicates you
are within safe limits, yellow indicates you are coming close to
filling the disc, and red indicates you have over-filled the disc.
Placing your cursor over the indicator momentarily displays the
actual project size. Use the Preferences menu to customize the

icons to match your actual media.
