Invalid crc flag - crc should be disabled, Invalid frame rate, Invalid parameter file error – Ulead 1.0 User Manual

Page 186: Maximum number of buttons reached, Media detection error, Media file error with filename

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SpruceUp User’s Guide

Invalid Bit Rate - should be between 64k and 448k bps!

Fatal import error. Signifies Dolby Digital AC-3 audio is not within the DVD specification.
Indicates the file cannot be imported, and must be re-created compliant with the DVD

Invalid CRC flag - CRC should be disabled

Fatal import error. Signifies the CRC was enabled – this must be disabled as per the DVD
specification. Indicates the file cannot be imported, and must be re-created compliant with
the DVD specification.

Invalid Field Picture. One field must be of opposite parity of the previous.

Fatal import error. Signifies a field parity not supported within the DVD specification.
Indicates the file cannot be imported, and must be re-created compliant with the DVD

Invalid Frame Rate

Fatal import error. Signifies the frame rate is not either 29.97 (NTSC) or 25 (PAL) as is
supported within the DVD specification. Indicates the file cannot be imported, and must be
re-created compliant with the DVD specification.

Invalid frame size. Out of valid range (256 - 1792).

Fatal import error. Signifies a parameter setting within the Dolby Digital AC-3 file is not
supported within the DVD specification. Indicates the file cannot be imported, and must be
re-created compliant with the DVD specification.

Invalid Parameter File Error

Fatal import error. Occurs when importing a multiplexed stream which contains an illegal
stream (typically a non-compliant bit-rate or resolution). Also can indicate a parsing
problem. The parsed file may have become corrupted. Remove the asset from the project,
then delete its .pra and .prv files. Now re-import the file – it will re-parse and should be OK.

Invalid Picture Structure type. Picture Structure should be one of Frame

Picture, Top of Bottom Field Picture.

Fatal import error. Signifies the video structure is not within the DVD specification. Indicates
the file cannot be imported, and must be re-created compliant with the DVD specification.


low_delay bit in MPEG-2 sequence extension is turned on(=1). It should be

off(=0) for DVD use.

Fatal import error. Signifies a parameter not supported within the DVD specification.
Indicates the file cannot be imported, and must be re-created compliant with the DVD


Maximum Number of Buttons reached.

The DVD specification allows for a maximum of 25 buttons per menu.

Media Detection Error

Fatal import error. Signifies a problem accessing the media the asset is on.

Media File Error with FILENAME

Fatal import error. Signifies a problem reading the file. It may be corrupted. Also occurs
when importing Photoshop format (".psd") files without proper button layers (see the
Creating Photoshop Buttons topic for more information).
