Operation cancelled by user, Parsing error, Please check your serial id – Ulead 1.0 User Manual

Page 188: Please specify the destination directory, Please specify the temporary directory

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SpruceUp User’s Guide

Not enough free disk space in the media or the disk drive selected for

exporting your current project.

General error regarding disc space for exporting.


Operation Cancelled By User

Indicates that you have pressed the Cancel button.


PAL/NTSC Video Format mismatch with Project Settings.

Indicates the project contains at least one movie that does not match its PAL/NTSC setting.
Note that it is not possible to change a projects standard setting - this must be set correctly
prior to starting the project.

Parsing Error

Fatal import error. Typically indicates a non-DVD compliant file or invalid media.

Parsing Error : Inconsistent byte offset error in the last access unit

Fatal import error. Signifies a parameter not supported within the DVD specification.
Indicates the file cannot be imported, and must be re-created compliant with the DVD

Please insert tape into DLT Device and press OK to continue.

Export is ready to write to the DLT tape, and there is not one to write to.

Please check your Serial ID!

Indicates the serial number you just entered does not match the one previously entered.
Ensure you typed it in correctly.

Please place a new blank medium into your writing device and close the

Indicates the export now requires a disc to write to. Place a disc in the tray and click OK. It
is not recommended to manually close the tray.

Please specify the destination directory.

The destination directory, displayed as the Output Destination - Folder Path, has not
been set. For a Disc Image, you must specify the directory and name for the disc image file,
and the name must have a .img extension.

Please specify the temporary directory.

Indicates a Working Directory is not specified. Set this in the Advanced export display.

Progressive Frame flag in Picture Coding Extension is set to 0

Fatal import error. Signifies the progressive frame is set to a value not supported within the
DVD specification. Indicates the file cannot be imported, and must be re-created compliant
with the DVD specification.

Progressive Sequence flag in Picture Coding Extension should be 0

Fatal import error. Signifies the progressive sequence is set to a value not supported within
the DVD specification, and should be set to 0. Indicates the file cannot be imported, and
must be re-created compliant with the DVD specification.
