Thresh-15min-lols, Thresh-15min-lols -56, Vdsl c – SMC Networks TigerAccess SMC7816M User Manual

Page 738

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Command Usage

This command sets the threshold for the number of seconds during
which there is loss of framing within any 15 minute collection interval
for performance data. If loss of framing in a particular 15-minute
collection interval reaches or exceeds this value, a
vdslPerfLofsThreshNotification notification will be generated. (Refer to
RFC 3728 for information on this notification message.) No more than
one notification will be sent per interval.

The following sets the LOFs threshold to 15.


This command sets the threshold for Loss of Link seconds (LOLs) that
can occur within any given 15 minutes. Use the no form to restore the
default setting.


thresh-15min-lols value

value – Threshold for Loss of Link, or the number of seconds
during which there was loss of link in the indicated time interval.
(Range: 0-900 seconds; 0 disables the threshold)

Default Setting


Command Mode

VDSL Alarm Profile

Command Usage

This command sets the threshold for the number of seconds during
which there is loss of link within any 15 minute collection interval for
performance data. If loss of link in a particular 15-minute collection
interval reaches or exceeds this value, a vdslPerfLolsThreshNotification

Console(config-alarm-profile)#thresh-15min-lofs 15

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