Trace, Auto, Resume – Rockwell Automation 1398-PDM-xxx IQ Master Version 3.2.4 for IA-2000 and IQ-5000 Positioning Drive Modules, IQ-55 User Manual

Page 85: Pause, Abort, Step commands for debugger, Single step, Procedure step, Breakpoint commands and options for debugger, Trace auto resume pause abort

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Run Menu • Extended Debug


Publication 1398-PM601A-EN-P — October 2000



Trace initiates a program in a traceable mode at full speed. The execution trace bar is displayed in the
source code window of IQ Master while the programs executes.

To halt program execution, issue a Pause command from the Run menu.

The commands Go, Auto or Abort may be issued anytime the program is running. Breakpoints may be
added, deleted or disabled while the program is executing.


Auto initiates a program in a traceable mode at a reduced speed. The time delay between execution of
source lines is programmable using the Debug Options dialog. The execution trace bar is displayed in
the source code window of IQ Master while the programs executes.

To halt program execution, issue a Pause command from the Run menu.

The commands Go, Trace or Abort may be issued anytime the program is running. Breakpoints may be
added, deleted or disabled while the program is executing.


Resume initiates the last Go, Trace or Auto command issued. It is typically used after a Pause com-


Pause temporarily halts execution of a program. The execution trace bar is displayed in the source code
window of IQ Master while the program is paused.

Resume is typically used to continue execution of the program, as it reinitiates the Go, Trace or Auto
command used to begin program execution.

Breakpoints may be added, deleted or disabled while the program is in the Pause mode.


Abort terminates program execution. The execution trace bar is removed if it was displayed while the
program was executing.

Step Commands for Debugger

Single Step

Single step allows the source code to execute one line at a time. If multiple expressions appear on a sin-
gle source code line, all expressions are executed. Single step will step into subroutine calls.

Breakpoints may be added, deleted or disabled while the program single steps.

Procedure Step

Procedure Step executes subroutine calls as a complete instruction. If no breakpoint is encountered with
the subroutine, the entire subroutine is executed. The execution trace bar is displayed at the next execut-
able source line after the subroutine call. If a breakpoint is set in the subroutine, Procedure Step pauses
at the breakpoint.

If a subroutine call is not present in the source statement, Procedure Step performs the same as Single

Breakpoints may be added, deleted or disabled while the program procedure steps.

Breakpoint Commands and Options for Debugger

Breakpoints can be set in the main program, scanned events, and Xkey routines. Breakpoints can be
manipulated at any time, but typically are modified after program execution has been paused and before
restarting program execution. Breakpoints are recognized when the program is executing in the Go,
Trace, or Auto modes.
