Bio-Rad BioLogic Signal Import Module (SIM) User Manual

Page 155

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Table 7-11 (continued)


%B (Gradient, Initial %B): Used to systematically vary the initial buffer composition of a gradient

%B (Gradient, Final %B): Used to systematically vary the final buffer composition of a gradient

Flow Rate: Used to optimize the flow rate for adsorption and elution steps.

Sample Name: Used to inject samples that have been prepared under a variety of conditions

Sample Volume: Used to find the optimal sample load volume.

Column: Used to automatically test up to eight column types when an AVR9-8 column-switching
valve is used. Alternatively, this method can be used similar to the Buffer A or, Buffer B options
above, to simultaneously change Buffer A and Buffer B using the column switching valves.

Scouting Wizard Step 2

This dialog is used to select the protocol steps to be scouted. Steps that are incompatible with the current
scout type are grayed out. Steps to be scouted are highlighted in green. Steps that have not been selected
are highlighted in white. Steps to be concurrently scouted must all have the same initial value for the scouted

Select All: Highlights the first step that is compatible with the selected scout type along with all
steps that can be concurrently scouted with it. Concurrently scouted steps must each have the same
initial value for the scout parameter.

Deselect All: Deselects all protocol steps in scout setup.

Description/Parameters: Displays the currently defined protocol and is used to select or deselect
the steps to be scouted with a mouse.



