Rockwell Automation 294D ArmorStart LT Distributed Motor Controller DeviceNet Version - User Manual User Manual

Page 243

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Rockwell Automation Publication 290D-UM001A-EN-P - June 2012


CIP Information

Appendix B

When a ZIP Producer is automatically allocated on power-up with the Auto Run
Zip attribute set to the value 1=enable, the Master’s MAC ID portion of the
Allocation Information attribute in the DeviceNet Object is not changed. This
indicates that the Predefined Master Slave connection set is still available for
allocation by a network master.

The ZIP object also provides a means for ensuring that system configuration is
secure. A 16-bit Zone Key instance attribute is calculated for each ZIP Producer,
which is based on the device configuration and the Identity Object device key
attributes. The Zone Key value is manually read by the user from the ZIP
producer and manually written to the Zone Key of the ZIP Consumers that will
consume the data as part of the system configuration process.

When the Data Security Enable attribute is enabled, ZIP Producers place the 16-
bit Zone Key at the end of each produced I/O message. When security is disabled
for a producer, the Zone Key is still placed at the end of each produced I/O

ZIP Consumers assume that the last 16 bits of each consumed I/O message
contains the Zone Key. When the Data Security Enable attribute is enabled for a
consumer, the consumed Zone Key is compared to the ZIP consumer’s stored
Zone Key. If they do not match, the Zone Health instance attribute is set to
1=not healthy. When security is disabled for a consumer, the consumed Zone
Key is ignored.

The selection of I/O Assemblies that contain the 16 bit Zone Key is verified for
both producing and consuming connections when ZIP is enabled.
