Notes on configuration – Leica Geosystems TPS1100 Professional Series - Reference Manual User Manual

Page 246

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TPS1100 - Appl. Prog. Ref. Manual 2.2.0en

Auto Record

Continue to the AREC\
MEASUREMENT dialog after

selecting and/or setting the automatic
recording mode(s) as necessary.

Toggle the Time Interval
mode ON or OFF. When this

mode is OFF, the small square next
to TimeInterv: will be empty and the
time interval definition will be a series
of dashes. When this mode is ON,
there will be a small X in the square,
and the last active time interval will
be shown.

Toggle the Distance Interval
mode ON or OFF. When this

mode is OFF, the small square next
to DistInterv: will be empty and the
distance interval definition will be a
series of dashes. When this mode is
ON, there will be a small X in the
square, and the last active distance
interval will be shown.

Toggle the Stable Position
mode ON or OFF. When this

mode is OFF, the small square next
to Stable Pos: will be empty, and both
the stable position and stable time
definitions will be a series of dashes.
When this mode is ON, there will be
a small X in the square, and the last
active stable position and stable time
definitions will be shown.

Display the Auto Record
Information screen.

Quit the Auto Record
program without

recording any more data.

Notes on Configuration

You may have any combination of
automatic recording modes active at
the same time, or all of them if you
find it advantageous. When more
than one mode is active
simultaneously, the first mode that is
satisfied causes the position of the
prism to be recorded and then resets
all of the active modes.

For example:
- Suppose you have both the

Distance Interval and Stable
Position modes ON, the TCA-/
TCRA-instrument is following a
prism in the tracking measurement
mode, and the last recorded
measurement data was at X = 10,
Y = 10.

Configuration Options, continued
