Altera RapidIO II MegaCore Function User Manual

Page 210

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Appendix B: Differences Between RapidIO II MegaCore Function v12.1 and RapidIO MegaCore Function v12.1

RapidIO II MegaCore Function

August 2014

Altera Corporation

User Guide

interface width

I/O Logical layer Master and Slave modules each
have a 128-bit wide Rx interface and a 128-bit wide
Tx interface. Doorbell and Maintenance modules
each have one 32-bit wide Avalon-MM interface in
each direction.

I/O Logical layer Master and Slave modules in a 1×
variation each have a 32-bit wide Rx interface and a
32-bit Tx interface, and I/O Logical layer Master and
Slave modules in a 4× variation each have a 64-bit
wide Rx interface and a 64-bit Tx interface. Doorbell
and Maintenance modules each have one 32-bit
wide Avalon-MM interface in each direction, in 1×
and 4× variations.

Update: With the introduction of 2x variations in the
RapidIO IP core v13.0, the I/O Logical layer Master
and Slave modules in a 2x variation each have a 64-
bit wide Rx interface and a 64-bit Tx interface.

I/O Logical
layer Master
read and write

I/O Logical layer Master module has a single
Avalon-MM interface for read and write

I/O Logical layer Master module has one
Avalon-MM interface for read transactions and a
separate Avalon-MM interface for write

I/O Logical
layer Slave
read and write

I/O Logical layer Slave module has a single
Avalon-MM interface for read and write

I/O Logical layer Slave module has one Avalon-MM
interface for read transactions and a separate
Avalon-MM interface for write transactions.


Physical layer removes all CRC bits and padding
bytes from packets received from the RapidIO link.

Physical layer removes the 16-bit CRC that follows
the 80th received byte of a RapidIO packet, but not
the final CRC nor the padding bytes.

Behavior in
SILENT state

Transmitter is turned off while the initialization state
machine is in the SILENT state.

In 5.0 Gbaud variations, the transmitter is turned off
while the initialization state machine is in the
SILENT state. However, in 1.25, 2.5, and
3.125 Gbaud variations, the transmitters send a
continuous stream of K28.5 characters, all of the
same disparity, in the SILENT state.

Remote host
access to IP
core registers

Handles incoming read and write MAINTENANCE
requests with address in the appropriate range to
the local register set, internally.

Requires that your system connect the Maintenance
master interface to the Register Access slave
interface. The RapidIO IP core does not implement
this routing internally.


If you include a Maintenance module in your
RapidIO II IP core, it has both master and slave
ports, and supports MAINTENANCE read and write
operations and MAINTENANCE port-write

If you include a Maintenance module in your
RapidIO IP core, you can choose whether to
support an Avalon-MM master port or an Avalon-
MM slave port, or both. if your Maintenance module
supports the Avalon-MM slave port, you can
independently select whether to support

operations or


operations, or


Table B–1. Major Differences Between the RapidIO II IP Core v12.1 and the RapidIO IP Core v12.1 (Part 2 of 4)


RapidIO II IP Core v12.1

RapidIO IP Core v12.1
