Chapter 16 maintaining patron records in batches, About global maintenance, Globally updating batches of patrons – Follett VERSION 6.00 User Manual

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Chapter 16 Maintaining patron records in batches

This chapter provides general information about globally editing patron records.

It also provides instructions for making sequential and global updates, making

updates using a PHD, making global deletes, and deleting patrons with a PHD.

The chapter also contains explanations for the exception reports that may result

when the system processes the data stored in a PHD.

About global maintenance

Global maintenance lets you make the same changes to a group of patron records.

The patron records in the group are selected either by a common element, such as

patron type or homeroom, or from a PHD file of barcode scans. The contents of

certain fields in the patron records can then be changed, or the records

themselves deleted. In addition, individual records can be updated sequentially.

Global maintenance functions include: Global Update; Update via PHD; Global

Delete; Delete via PHD; and Individual Update.
Global Update is a search and replace feature you can apply to a group of patron

records. You first select the patron records to update (e.g., all seniors, or all

patrons with a certain Location 2). You then select which field in the record to

update. You can use Update via PHD to update patrons whose barcodes are

stored in your PHD.
You can use Global Delete to delete all patrons whose library cards expired or

who graduated in a certain year or who have a certain status or patron type. You

can use Delete Patrons via PHD to delete all patrons whose barcodes are

currently stored in your PHD.
Individual Update lets you update multiple fields at once for individual patrons.

The individual patrons are identified by typing or scanning the patron barcodes.

This saves you the time you'd otherwise spend editing each individual record.

Globally updating batches of patrons

Editing a group of patron records at one time is a twoĆpart procedure. First,

identify the group of patron records to update. You can use the following patron

record fields as the basis for a global change: Status, Patron Type, Location 1 or 2,

or User Field 1 or 2. Then, select the field that you want changed and what you

want the contents of that field to be. Patron Maintenance will find every record in

the group and update the contents of the field selected.


All changes are immediate. You cannot undo them by canceling the

