Verifying plumbing with the point-to-plumb feature – Bio-Rad ChromLab™ Software User Manual

Page 118

background image


| Preparing the Instrument


| NGC Chromatography Systems and ChromLab Software

Verifying Plumbing with the Point-to-Plumb Feature

The Point-to-Plumb™ feature in ChromLab helps you when making changes to the

plumbing or to verify that the instrument is plumbed correctly for the fluidic scheme

that you want to use.

You can access the Point-to-Plumb feature on the touch screen menu or through

the Tools menu on the System Control tab in ChromLab.

When you select Point-to-Plumb, the current fluidic scheme appears in

Point-to-Plumb mode and all LEDs on the instrument turn off.

The proper plumbing path is indicated by the color gray. Path elements that are not

plumbed appear in a paler shade of gray and do not change color when selected.
