Questa simulation, Cadence ies simulation, Starting a simulation from a unix command line – Altera Mentor Verification IP Altera Edition AMBA AXI4-Lite User Manual

Page 364

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Mentor Verification IP AE AXI4-Lite User Guide, V10.3


Getting Started with Qsys and the BFMs
Setting Up Simulation from the Windows GUI

April 2014

If the modelsim.ini file is read-only, you must modify the permissions of the file to allow
write access.

3. Add or change the MvcHome path to point to the location where the Mentor VIP AE is

installed. Do not forget the common subdirectory.

MvcHome = $QUARTUS_ROOTDIR/../ip/altera/mentor_vip_ae/common


Do not use the ModelSim vmap command to specify the installed location of the Mentor
VIP AE because this places the definition of the environment variable MvcHome in the
[library] section of modelsim.ini. For example, do not use the command

vmap MvcHome



Questa Simulation

To run a Questa simulation, follow the process detailed in “

ModelSim Simulation

” on page 360.

Cadence IES Simulation

Before starting a Cadence IES simulation, you must do the following:

Check that the $QUARTUS_ROOTDIR environment variable points to the Quartus II
software directory in the Quartus II software installation. The example script requires this variable to locate the Mentor VIP AE BFMs during

Set the environment variable CDS_ROOT to the installation directory of the IES Verilog
compiler ncvlog. The cds_root command returns the installation directory of the
specified tool ncvlog.

setenv CDS_ROOT `cds_root ncvlog`

Starting a Simulation from a UNIX Command Line

To start a simulation with the Cadence IES simulator from a UNIX command line:

1. Change the directory to the work directory containing the example to be simulated:

cd axi4lite-qsys-examples/ex1_back_to_back_sv

2. Start the Cadence IES simulator with the script.

For a 32-bit simulation, execute this command:

sh 32

For a 64-bit simulation, execute this command:

sh 64
