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Set corresponding parameters into each bank.

Set the bank as the one to be used.

From ①

△/▽ key

Control setting mode

SET 04 screen

MODE key

Bank switchover

bANK * screen

bANK *: 0 to 7

Parameter setting

Other bank setting to be made

Bank already set

Control setting mode

SET 04 screen

Bank switchover

bANK * screen

MODE key

MODE key

Recording the switchover of banks
① Change of the control setting mode using “bank switchover” ---

The change is recorded when the MODE key is pressed (or when the screen moves to a next

Take care that none is recorded when the △/▽ key is used for switchover.

② FUNC key .............. The change is recorded when the FUNC key is pressed.
③ DI ........................... The change is recorded when switchover is made in DI.
④ Communication ...... Only parameters for which limits are set when communication is used for

switchover. Recording is executed absolutely with “STR (store)” command.

STR .....See the chapter for communication in the operation manual.

Note Take care the switchover according to the items 2 to 4, since limiters may interfere with

setting values for parameters.

< Parameters with limits >
① Input type setting .................... INP 1, INP 2
② Decimal point position ........... dP 1, dP 2
③ Celsius/Fahrenheit .................. °C/°F

Example: Where the input type is changed from K thermocouple to T thermocouple

Setting values of SV limiter upper limit and lower limit change due to the setting range
narrower with T thermocouple.

<Measure> Set the parameter that interferes with the limits into the bank setting mode.
