Card reset, Background audit – Nortel Networks Circuit Card User Manual

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NTBK51 Downloadable D-channel Handler daughterboard

553-3001-211 Standard 3.00 August 2005

download depends on the result of the check made by the CPU on the MSDL
base code and application software.

If a forced download enable command is executed in LD 96, the MSDL base
code and application are forced down to the DDCH card, even if the base and
application software is already resident on the DDCH card. In order to
complete a forced download, the following conditions must be met:

the DDCH card must be enabled

the D-channel port must be disabled

Card reset

After a card reset, the MSDL base code and the D-channel application
software are validated by the CPU. The software is stored in flash EPROM
on the DDCH card and does not have to be downloaded. But if the software
is missing due to new installation, corruption, or loadware version mismatch,
the CPU automatically downloads the base/application into the DDCH card.

Background audit

If a background audit of the card and associated applications finds that a
download is required, the card is queued in the PSDL tree. Downloading is
performed in background mode based on the entries in the PSDL tree.
