Bio-Rad Profinia™ Protein Purification Instrument User Manual

Page 103

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4. Fill a 50 ml sample tube with 45 ml of deionized water, and reserve it for later use (to

wash sample line 1 when calibration is complete).

5. Fill the diluent (water) bottle to 500 ml with deionized water, and place it in the Di water


Note: Make sure to empty the waste bottle before performing this procedure to prevent

6. Turn the Profinia instrument on.

7. Touch the Data/Utilities button on the system home screen, then touch Calibration


8. Touch the up and down arrows to scroll through the list of functions and highlight

“Calibrate UV Monitors”, then touch Select; the UV Calibration Information screen

9. Touch the Next button; you will proceed to the Calibrate UV Monitors screen.

Note:The screen displays the UV-1 and UV-2 values, as well as the C (correction) factors
for each of the two monitors.

10. Touch the Edit button to enter the absorbance of your standard solution (in absorbance

units per centimeter) into the alphanumeric keypad. Touch the OK button to confirm.

11. Touch the Start button. The instrument will:

a) Pump ethanol through both UV flow cells.

b) Rinse the UV flow cells with water.

c) Zero the UV monitors on water.

d) Fill the UV flow cells with the protein solution.

e) Set the UV absorbance value for both UV monitors to the absorbance value

entered in step 10.

12. Upon completion of these procedures, the instrument displays “UV Calibration complete

— Place tube of DI water at sample position 1”. Place the tube filled with deionized
water in sample position 1, then touch the Start button. The system washes with water,
then returns to the Calibration Functions screen.

9.2.4 Calibrating Conductivity

The Profinia system’s conductivity monitor is calibrated during instrument manufacturing,
and generally does not require calibration unless the conductivity flow cell is replaced. The
following materials are required to calibrate the conductivity monitor:

Conductivity standard solution — conductivity 10 millisiemens per centimeter
(mS/cm); 45 ml of solution is required

Deionized water — 45 ml in a 50 ml sample tube, 500 ml in the diluent (water) bottle
for placement in the system’s Di water port

To calibrate the conductivity monitor:

1. Turn the instrument on; the system should warm up for 20 min before calibrating the

conductivity monitor.

2. Fill a 50 ml sample tube with 45 ml of conductivity standard solution, then place it in

sample position 1.

