Protein purification system description – Bio-Rad Profinia™ Protein Purification Instrument User Manual

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Section 1

Protein Purification System Description

1.1 Profinia System Overview

The Profinia protein purification system is an automated chromatography system that
provides a simple solution for the purification and desalting of milligram amounts of affinity-
tagged proteins. The Profinia system is easy to operate, allowing users to concentrate on
solving the questions posed by science, rather than spending time performing separation
techniques. In the Profinia system, the cartridges, tubes, fittings, and Bio-Rad methods
have all been optimized and are built in, so no expertise in chromatography is required to
set up the instrument or perform affinity purification.

The Profinia system requires minimal user interaction; a user-friendly touch screen provides
guidance through all setup, purification, and run completion procedures. The yield and
purity of proteins obtained using the Profinia system are comparable to those from more
complicated or labor-intensive manual methods such as gravity-flow chromatography. Users
have two options for running purification methods: Bio-Rad methods with automated templates
for common GST, IMAC, Protein A and G purifications, Profinity eXact purification or program
methods created by editing the Bio-Rad method templates. Both Bio-Rad and program methods
include automatic desalting (not all Bio-Rad methods include desalting) as well as automatic
system and cartridge cleaning. Both types of methods also provide a data record of results
that can either be viewed and recorded at the end of the run, exported to a computer with
Profinia software for data review, or viewed in real time on a computer with Profinia software.

A variety of purification, buffer, and starter kits are available for use with the Profinia
instrument. Profinia purification kits include cartridges, concentrated reagents, and buffers,
and are optimized for use with Bio-Rad methods. Profinia buffer kits include all concentrated
reagents necessary to run a Bio-Rad method. Profinia starter kits are available for GST and
native IMAC methods. These kits include cartridges, concentrated reagents, and control
lysate to perform a Bio-Rad method. All kit components are clearly labeled to show where
they should be placed in the instrument, and formulations of all buffers are listed for use in

Buffer and cartridge kits, optimized methods, and instrument automation ensure high quality
and reproducible purification purity and yield, along with significant time savings. From
setup to purification runs to exportable data files, the Profinia system is intuitive and easy to
operate, allowing researchers at any level of chromatography expertise to move quickly
and efficiently through purifying affinity-tagged proteins to downstream protein-based

1.2 Key Features of the Profinia System

Integrated system design — no need to assemble tubing and fittings or pack
chromatography columns

Easy instrument setup — plug in the instrument and load reagents

Simple system operation — automated purification and desalting of affinity-tagged

Automatic calculations — estimated purified protein yield and concentration displayed
at end of run

Touch-screen interface — guided instrument and method setup; displays current run

