Recent synchronization attempts log, Table 19 - synchronization interpretation, Recent synchronization – Rockwell Automation 1756-RMxx ControlLogix Enhanced Redundancy System User Manual User Manual

Page 118: Attempts log

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Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-UM535D-EN-P - November 2012

Chapter 6

Configure the Redundancy Modules

Recent Synchronization Attempts Log

This table describes the possible result and causes of synchronization states.

If the Synchronization Attempts log indicates that the Synchronization attempt

was aborted, use this table to further interpret the cause.

Table 18 - Recent Synchronization Attempts Log - Result Interpretations


Result Interpretation


The result of the synchronization is unknown.

No attempt since last powerup

Synchronization has not been attempted since power was applied to

the module.


Full synchronization was successfully completed.


The synchronization attempt failed. See the table


Synchronization Attempts Log - Result Interpretations

for further


Table 19 - Synchronization Interpretation


Cause Interpretation


The cause of synchronization failure is unknown.

Module Pair Incompatible

Synchronization aborted because one or more module pairs are incompatible.

Module Configuration Error

Synchronization aborted because one of the modules is improperly configured.

Edit Session In Progress

Synchronization aborted because an edit or session is in progress.

Crossloading Failure

An undetermined failure occurred during synchronization between redundancy modules.

Comm Disconnected

The cable between the redundancy modules was disconnected.

Module Insertion

Synchronization aborted because a module was inserted into a chassis.

Module Removal

Synchronization aborted because a module was removed from a chassis.

Secondary Module Failed

Synchronization aborted because of a failure in the secondary module.

Incorrect Chassis State

Synchronization aborted due to an incorrect chassis state.

Comm Does Not Exist

Synchronization could not be performed because the communication link between redundancy modules does not exist.

Nonredundant Compliant Module Exists

Synchronization could not be performed because one or more nonredundancy modules are present in one of the chassis.

Sec Failed Module Exists

A module in the secondary chassis has asserted the SYS_FAIL line, indicating that it has faulted or failed.

Local Major Unrecoverable Fault

Synchronization was aborted because of a local major unrecoverable fault.

Partner Has Major Fault

Synchronization was aborted because the partner module has a major fault.

Sec SYS_FAIL_L Subsystem Failed

The test of the SYS_FAIL line in the secondary chassis failed.

Sec RM Device Status = Comm Error

Synchronization was aborted because the secondary redundancy module’s status indicates a communication error.

Sec RM Device Status = Major Recoverable


Synchronization was aborted because the secondary redundancy module’s status indicates a major recoverable fault.

Sec RM Device Status = Major Unrecoverable


Synchronization was aborted because the secondary redundancy module’s status indicates a major unrecoverable fault.

Incorrect Device State

Synchronization was aborted because the device is in the wrong state.

Primary Module Failed

Synchronization was aborted because of a failure in the primary module.

Primary Failed Module Exists

A module in the primary chassis has asserted the SYS_FAIL line, indicating that it has faulted or failed.

Auto-Sync Option

Synchronization was aborted because the Auto-Synchronization parameter of one of the redundancy modules was changed during

