Specify a larger system overhead time slice, Table 28 - overhead time slice, Specify a larger system overhead time – Rockwell Automation 1756-RMxx ControlLogix Enhanced Redundancy System User Manual User Manual

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Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-UM535D-EN-P - November 2012

Chapter 7

Program the Redundant Controller

Specify a Larger System Overhead Time Slice

The system overhead time slice specifies the percentage of time the controller

devotes to servicing communication, excluding the time for periodic tasks. The

controller interrupts the continuous task to service communication, and then

resumes the continuous task.

This table shows the ratio between executing the continuous task and servicing

communication at various overhead time slices. Consider the following:

When the system overhead time slice setting is between 10% and up to

50%, the time allocated for servicing communication is fixed at 1 ms, and

the continuous task time slice changes to produce the desired ratio.

When the system overhead time slice is greater than 50…90%, the time

allocated to the continuous task is fixed at 1 ms, and the time allocated to

servicing communication changes to produce the desired ratio.

Table 28 - Overhead Time Slice

At this time slice

The continuous tasks runs for

And service communication occurs for as

long as


9 ms

1 ms


4 ms

1 ms


3 ms

1 ms


2 ms

1 ms


1 ms

1 ms


1 ms

2 ms


1 ms

3 ms


1 ms

4 ms


1 ms

9 ms
