Method settings parameters, Fluidic scheme – Bio-Rad ChromLab™ Software User Manual

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Method Settings Parameters

User Guide

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Method Settings Parameters

Method Settings are general parameters that affect the entire method. These

settings include fluidic scheme, column selection, monitor settings, unit selection,

pH valve, fraction collection, and buffer selection.

Fluidic Scheme

The current instrument configuration appears in the bottom-left corner of the

Method Editor window. Parameters available in each phase are specific to the

devices in the fluidic scheme that participate in the phase.

Under Fluidic Scheme, click Change to change or edit the current fluidic scheme

selection to match the devices present on your system. See

Fluidic Scheme


in Chapter 3.


Changing the fluidic scheme of a method that includes phases

might invalidate some phases. Bio-Rad recommends selecting the fluidic

scheme before adding phases to a method.
