Multicolumn purification method templates, Multicolumn sequential purification templates – Bio-Rad ChromLab™ Software User Manual

Page 288

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| Multicolumn Purifications


| NGC Chromatography Systems and ChromLab Software

Multicolumn Purification Method Templates

ChromLab™ software includes several multicolumn purification templates. The

templates comprise preprogrammed methods for binding and eluting samples from

multiple columns in an automated sequence. They also offer multidimensional

chromatography strategies whereby the target fraction eluted from one column is

loaded onto another for a second dimension of purification.

You can customize the preprogrammed templates by defining, among others, the

following variables:

Column type and size for your sample

Method base unit

Sample volume

Step duration and length

Multicolumn Sequential Purification Templates

Sequential binding and elution is used when multiple samples must be purified on

multiple columns. The samples are injected sequentially either by using a sample

pump with sample inlet valve or through sample loops. Each sample is loaded onto

a column and washed to remove contaminants that can cause sample degradation.

The columns are then eluted using either step or linear gradient protocols in a

sequence. The fractions are collected with the BioFrac™ fraction collector or an

outlet valve. The sequential purification templates primarily utilize affinity techniques

but can be modified to include other techniques.


7 on page

287 defines the multicolumn sequential purification templates.
