Displaying peak results — the peaks table – Bio-Rad ChromLab™ Software User Manual

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Peak Integration

User Guide

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To hide or show peak view options

Right-click in the chromatogram, choose View, and select the option or options
you want in the dropdown menu. The same options also appear on the View

Displaying Peak Results — the Peaks Table

Each peak is described in a Peaks table row. The following fields are displayed for

each peak:

Peak number — sequential.

Run name

Trace type — UV traces display wavelength value in nanometers, for

example (280 nm). SIM traces display the peak’s height and area in the

relevant units.

Start — the beginning of the peak, displayed in the units of the currently

displayed x-axis.

End — the end of the peak, displayed in the units of the currently displayed


Retention volume — the elution volume at maximum peak height.

Retention time — the time at maximum peak height.

Height (mAU) — the peak height at the retention volume/time, measured

from the UV trace to the calculated baseline.

Area (ml*mAU) — the area under the curve between the UV trace and the


Relative area (%) — the relative peak area of all peak areas in a trace.

Width at half height (ml) — the width (in ml) of the peak at 50% of the

maximum peak height.
