Adjusting peaks manually, Omatogram. see – Bio-Rad ChromLab™ Software User Manual

Page 240

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| Evaluating Results


| NGC Chromatography Systems and ChromLab Software

Adjusting Peaks Manually

You can manually adjust the peaks found in automatic peak integration. You can

also add a peak to a chromatogram location in which no peak was detected. When

you select the Manual Integration tab in the Peak Integration pane, grid lines appear

in the chromatogram.

The Manual Integration tab displays a list of runs in the current analysis and their

integrated UV traces. You can select and adjust one peak at a time. Only the

selected trace can be adjusted and only its peaks appear in the chromatogram. This

tab also displays instructions for manually adjusting peaks. Undo and Redo buttons

make it easy to experiment with different settings for a given trace.
