Analysis reports, Printing a report – Bio-Rad ChromLab™ Software User Manual

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| Reports


| NGC Chromatography Systems and ChromLab Software

Analysis Reports


You must first perform peak integration analysis in order to generate an

Analysis report.

To generate an Analysis report


In the Evaluation window, select File > Analysis Report.

The Analysis Report Options dialog box displays a list of the columns that

appear in the displayed Peaks table.


Select the checkboxes of the columns to include in the Analysis report.


You are limited to 12 columns.


Click OK.

ChromLab automatically generates a formatted report of the selected columns

as well as the peak parameters and the chromatogram. The analysis report

appears in the Report Viewer dialog box.

If fractions were collected, the Fractions table and all of its displayed columns

appear as a separate table in the report. Pooled fractions appear in the report

as a row in the Fractions table. The fractions in the pool appear as separate

entries below the pooled row.


Trace comparisons (if performed) in the peak integration analysis also

appear in the Analysis report.

Printing a Report

To print a report

With the report displayed in the Report Viewer dialog box, click Print in the
toolbar, select a printer, and click Print.
