Instrument control touch screen – Bio-Rad ChromLab™ Software User Manual

Page 28

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| The Workspace


| NGC Chromatography Systems and ChromLab Software

Instrument Control Touch Screen

In addition to ChromLab software running on a computer, the instrument is

equipped with a touch screen that accesses system control functionality. You can

use this touch screen to run, control, and monitor a run independent of ChromLab.


System Control on page


for more information.


When the NGC system has been inactive for two hours the LED display

screens on the instrument turn off, the touch screen dims, and a dialog box

appears on the touch screen informing you that the system is in standby mode.

You can take the system out of standby mode by touching OK in the dialog

box, starting the system pumps by initiating a manual or method run, or clicking

on a module in the fluidic scheme that has an LED display.
