Email notifications tab – Bio-Rad ChromLab™ Software User Manual

Page 84

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| System Control


| NGC Chromatography Systems and ChromLab Software

Email Notifications Tab

You can connect ChromLab to your outgoing email server to send email

notifications to a list of users. When this option is enabled, ChromLab sends

messages informing users of specific event types such as

Pumps stopped

Method run completed successfully

Method run stopped

Connection to the NGC system is lost

The email identifies

Type of event

Time of the event

Name of the method that was running when the event occurred

Elapsed time of the method before the event occurred

To set up the connection between ChromLab and your SMTP server see

To connect

ChromLab to an email server on page



To set up email notifications


Select File > System Settings to open the System Settings dialog box.


Choose the Email Notifications tab.

By default, email notification is not enabled.
