Automatic peak integration settings, Traces baseline parameters – Bio-Rad ChromLab™ Software User Manual

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| Evaluating Results


| NGC Chromatography Systems and ChromLab Software

Automatic Peak Integration Settings

In the Peak Integration pane, the Auto Integration tab displays settings that affect

baseline calculation and peak detection. Changing these settings enables you to

optimize the way peaks are detected and recognized, specific to your data.


By default most tab sections are collapsed. Expanding the sections

displays the options shown in the following illustration.


A list of shown UV traces grouped by run. By default all

shown UV traces are selected for peak integration.

You can exclude traces from integration by clearing their


Baseline Parameters

You can select from two baseline calculation methods.

By Best Fit — the baseline is calculated from the data.

The baseline curve connects the low points of the data.

This setting describes the radius of a disk rolling along

the curve from underneath.

By default, the best fit radius parameter is set to 8. This

value can to be set from 1 to 10. The smaller the radius,

the more low points on the curve it touches.

By Offset — the baseline is a straight horizontal line

that has a constant offset (y) value. The default value is

zero, but you can specify a different offset value.
