Changing peak view options – Bio-Rad ChromLab™ Software User Manual

Page 234

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| Evaluating Results


| NGC Chromatography Systems and ChromLab Software

The calculated baseline appears on the chromatogram when peaks are detected.

The baseline is drawn according to the selected baseline calculation in the same

color as the associated trace. Pausing the pointer on a baseline displays a tooltip

that provides details about the baseline and the trace.

Changing Peak View Options

You can choose to hide or show the baseline, peak area, or peak labels, or all of
these options.

Both the chromatogram and Peaks table highlight information about the item you
select in either one. Items you select in the chromatogram are also highlighted in the
Peaks table and vice versa. Similarly, changes you make in one display are reflected
in the other.

When you click a peak item (apex, start, end, or peak area) in the chromatogram or
a peak row in the Peaks table:

The peak row in the table is selected.

The peak area is highlighted.

Peak start, end, and apex appear in boldface.

The relevant trace is selected.
