Fluidic scheme configurations, Fluidic scheme – Bio-Rad ChromLab™ Software User Manual

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Fluidic Scheme Pane

User Guide

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Fluidic Scheme Configurations

The fluidic scheme must be customized to match your instrument hardware setup.

In manual mode, you can access the Fluidic Scheme Selector dialog box to change

the detailed settings of most elements. You can also create custom fluidic schemes.


To create a new fluidic scheme on page



pH Monitor and Valve

This module dialog box controls the pH monitor and displays the
pH. It is used to place the pH flow cell inline or to bypass it during
an experiment. It also enables you to calibrate the pH probe
without taking it offline.

Fraction Collector

This module dialog box controls fraction collection. It is used to
select racks and rack location and to start and stop fraction
collection. It is also used to determine fraction size and the
number of tubes to collect.

Table 2.

Fluidic Scheme Modules, continued

Table 3.

Fluidic Scheme Configuration Options




System pump only

Used to start and stop pumps, change
buffer, gradient, and duration, and to
set pressure limits.

System pump and
inlet A

Select from up to eight different buffers
for A.
