Conduit mode, Mio console status menu, Monitor controller key commands – Metric Halo Mobile I/O User Manual

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2. If MIO Console isn’t running yet, the plug-in will Launch MIO Console as a plug-in in the host.

Once MIO Console is in plug-in mode, its windows are put into the floating window layer of the host. This
means that all the MIO Console windows work like plug-in windows in the host. You can modify MIO Con-
sole to control your hardware, view meters, etc. All while your key commands continue to work in the host
(transport, etc.).

Since MIO Console could have a large number of windows open (when you include plug-in windows, etc.)
and the Console Window itself is a pretty big plug-in window, you will definitely want to hide all the MIO
Console windows from time to time. This is accomplished with the following key-commands:

Table 18.1. Monitor Controller Key Commands


Key Sequence

Show/Hide all Console Windows

⌘⌥⌃H (Command + Option + Control + H)

Show/Hide the MIO Console Window

⌘⌥⌃C (Command + Option + Control + C)

Show/Hide the MIO Mixer Window

⌘⌥⌃X (Command + Option + Control + X)

Show/Hide the Monitor Controller Window

⌘⌥⌃V (Command + Option + Control + V)

Toggle the Monitor Controller size

⌘⌥⌃F (Command + Option + Control + F)

Those are the default keys; you can edit them by editing the MIO Console Command key preferences (which
has its own key-command:

⌘⌥⌃Z (Command + Option + Control + Z)

Status Menu in Plug-in Mode

Since MIO Console loses its menubar when you are running it in Plug-in mode, you lose access to a
number of commands that are only available from the menubar (for example: MIO Console Preferences,
Recording Preferences, etc.). In order to provide you with access to these critical commands, we have
added a MIO “Status Menu” to the menubar. This MIO menu appears on in the area on the right-hand
side of the menubar, and provides access to the most critical commands that you may need while running
in Plug-in mode:

Figure 18.2: MIO Console Status Menu

Conduit mode

When you insert MIOConsoleConnect into your DAW, one of two things will happen:

1. If the proper version of MIO Console (the one that came with the plugs) is already running, the plug-

in will connect to MIOConsole.

2. If MIO Console isn’t running yet, the plug-in will Launch MIOConsole.
