Rockwell Automation 8520-MUM 9/Series CNC Mill Operation and Programming Manual Documentation Set User Manual

Page 780

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Chapter 30
Using a 9/Series Dual--processing System


For example, press <CYCLE STOP> to place process 1 in cycle suspend
mode, while process 1 is waiting for process 2 to execute an M101. Later,
when you request <CYCLE START> for process 1, the synchronization
M-code is re-activated and process 1 is again paused, waiting for process 2
to execute an M101. If, while process 1 is in cycle suspend mode, process
2 executed an M101, process 2 pauses at that synchronization block.
Pressing <CYCLE START> for process 1 releases the pause for both
process, and they resume program execution.

The typical dual mill configuration contains a separate spindle for each
process. In some cases the spindles are on completely separate machines;
therefore at no time are spindle commands shared by both processes.

The separate spindle configuration operates identically to a single-process
system. Each process has full and total control of its assigned spindles.
Both processes can have multiple spindles in their control. These spindles
are assigned to only one process and cannot be controlled by more than
one process. When a process has more than one spindle under its control,
use a G12.x command to select the currently active spindle. See chapter
17 for details.

Remember that both processes are executing coordinated part programs.
Failure to do so can result in the processes executing different
synchronization codes and mutually locking each other out between
processes. This configuration is not covered by this documentation. Refer
to your system installer’s documentation if you have a spindle that is
shared by both processes.

The Interference Checking feature is designed to help prevent collisions by
the axes of a dual-processing machine.

Interference checking provides an area (usually around the cutting tool or
tool or axis fixtures for each process) that defines a boundary that moves
when the tool moves relative to the axes. The other process cannot enter
into this boundary. This helps prevent collisions.

For interference checking to function properly, you must define and
activate this boundary for both processes. When one process’s boundary
attempts to enter another process’s boundary, one process enters cycle
suspend, preventing it from entering the protected area. In the case of an
unavoidable direct collision, both processes stop. An error message is
displayed for both processes. The two boundaries cannot intersect.

Spindle Control for Dual-
processing Systems

Using Interference Checking
with a Dual-process Mill
