Read process accounting group 8 -- command l – INFICON STC-2000A Thin Film Deposition Controller Operating Manual User Manual

Page 244

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Kill Command

Command: K

EXCT_kill (KILL, causes equivalent to reset of CPU)


=200 literal string with special numeric value to trigger.


Commands STC-2000A to stop satisfying internal watchdog circuit thereby causing a

hardware reset within approximately 400 milliseconds. This command should be sent only to
cause a remote power up condition similar to a power-off/power-on sequence. This causes a
complete hardware reset of the instrument, and can be used to cause certain parameters (such as
sequencing/non-sequencing, etc..) to be reloaded after being changed by the host computer
interface. =200 will reboot both the UIFC processor and the SCUP processor.


May not return anything if watchdog causes a reset before reply message is requested received at

host or may return partial message if reset during RS232 reply.

[RZCD_AOK] if proper safety code (=200) was sent.
[RZCD_ILDV] if improper value for parameter argument.

[RZCD_ILSN] if too many arguments, wrong delimiters, etc..

Read Process Accounting

Read Process Accounting

Group 8 --

Command L


Process Accounting. These commands can upload the information in the process accounting
display. See Section 2.18 for a description of these parameters.

Command: L

EXCT_prac (process accounting access)


[0..3] [0..23] corresponding to most recent history (0) to oldest (3) account record logged

for data items


Requests return of information saved during a process run. The STC-2000A saves

information for the last four completed film deposition runs. Each time a new film is completed
the information summary (detailed below) for the run is stored away as the latest result (index 0
for first argument) and the previous latest run (old index 3 before this data log operation
commenced) data is lost. Data recorded as index 0 through 2 before a new run completion are then
accessed by index numbers 1 through 3. Since each log has date/time and run number (and layer
number in the case of sequencing) information stamped with it, tracing which data applies to what
run is simple. The list of processing accounting data element access indices is below.


[RZCD_AOK][param_value] if proper log item ident code argument was sent. Exact format of
[param_value] depends on the particular log item for which the data was requested.
[RZCD_ILDV] if improper value for parameter argument.

[RZCD_ILSN] if too many arguments, wrong delimiters, etc.

Read Process Accounting (L)


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