I/o functions, Arithmetic/logical functions – INFICON STC-2000A Thin Film Deposition Controller Operating Manual User Manual

Page 179

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This is the AND operator. It will take the top 2 variables from the stack, perform an AND
operation, and push the single result back on the stack. This is a bitwise entity and the stack
result is a scalar.


This is the OR operator. It will take the top 2 variables from the stack, perform an OR
operation, and push the single result back on the stack. This is a bitwise entity and the stack
result is a scalar.


This is the XOR operator. It will take the top 2 variables from the stack, perform an XOR
operation, and push the single result back on the stack. This is a bitwise entity and the stack
result is a scalar.


This is the NOT (or complement) operator. It will take the top variable from the stack,
perform a NOT operation, and return it to the top of the stack. This is a logical (Boolean)
entity, that is, if the current top of stack is zero, it is replaced with a 1, otherwise, it is replaced
with a zero.


A pos function is mainly used for sensing events, and it becomes true only during a positive
edge of the sensed variable. This can be a scalar entity but is assessed as a Boolean (zero vs
non-zero number) and the stack result is a Boolean.


A neg function is the opposite of pos, and it becomes true only during a negative edge of the
sensed variable. This can be a scalar entity but is assessed as a Boolean (zero vs non-zero
number) and the stack result is a Boolean.

I/O Functions


A set can be performed on an output or a soft node (numbers 300 through 399). It will
continue to force the variable to an on state as long as the set condition remains on. When the
set goes back off, the output will remain set (or on) until an overriding clear or drop is


A clear is the opposite of set, it will continue to force the variable to an off state as long as the
clear condition remains on. NOTE: if during a pass both set and clear are true at the same
time, the last one in the rung order prevails.


An arm condition is similar to a set. The difference is that for an arm, the variable is forced to
an on state only during the positive edge of the arm condition.


A drop condition is similar to a clear. The difference is that for a drop, the variable is forced
to an off state only during the positive edge of the drop condition.


(trip) is an edge driven output function. The output will become true for one second

after the trip goes from false to true (a positive edge). These are used to trigger internal
events of the STC-2000A, change internal status, or cause 1 second delay pulses.

Arithmetic/Logical Functions


Arithmetic addition as in I5 + I6 (I5 I6 +) will add input 5 to input 6. Positionality is not
important for this commutative function.


Arithmetic subtraction as in I5 - I6 (I5 I6 -) will subtract input 6 from input 5. Positionality is
important for this function.


Arithmetic multiplication, as in I5 = I6 (I5 I6 =), will multiply input 6 by input 5.
Positionality is not important for this function.


Arithmetic division as in I5 / I6 (I5 I6 /) will divide input 5 by input 6. Positionality is
important for this function.


Arithmetic modulus function as in I5 % I6 (I5 I6 %) will divide input 5 by input 6 and
generate the remainder only. Positionality is important for this function.


A comparison function as in I5 = I6 (I5 I6 =). This can be a scalar entity but the stack result
will be a Boolean. Positionality is not important for this function.


A comparison function as in I5 > I6 (I5 I6 >). This can be a scalar entity but the stack result
will be a Boolean. Positionality is important for this function. This will result in True if I5 >


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