Command examples, Set analog output (t) group 11 -- command t – INFICON STC-2000A Thin Film Deposition Controller Operating Manual User Manual

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Set Analog Output (T) Group 11 --

Command T


This command allows the analog output which normally reports either rate, thickness or power
information to be controlled by an external computer to a voltage between plus and minus 10
volts. (note: this option must be selected in the system configuration procedure)


Command: T

EXCT_setdac (Set DataLog dac value)


[ -32767 .. 0 .. 32767]


Sets Analog Data log value from 0 to +10 volts in 12 bit precision. Analog voltage will

track this value if the ARFNC system parameter is set to 4, computer control of analog output
(either via user menu or computer). Output voltage is linear with respect to parameter value.
Range of value is backwards compatible to STC200 (signed 16bit) but STC-2000A generation
hardware is single ended and 12 bit, therefore granularity of output is courser, with a single bit
change at DAC every 8 counts (3 LSBs of argument are don't cares). Negative values are inverted
so output is essentially the absolute value of input argument.


[RZCD_AOK] if proper DAC value # (-32767 .. 32767) was sent.

[RZCD_ILDV] if improper value for parameter arguments.

[RZCD_ILSN] if too many arguments, wrong delimiters, etc..

Set Analog Output (T)
This command sets analog data log value from -10 volts to +10 volts in 16 bit precision. Analog voltage
will track this value if the #9 system parameter (Group 3/C/D) is set to 4, computer control of analog output
(either via user menu or remote RS232 D9=4 command). The range of numbers is -32767…32767.

Command Examples

Response A

Sets DAC to -6556 counts, which will produce approximately -2.05 volts at the analog

output if the system parameter for analog output function is set to REMOTE.
Table 28.10: Group 11 Examples.


Process Sequencing - Process Size, Memory

Process Sequencing - Process Size, Memory

Group 12 --

Commands U & V


These commands determine the number of steps in a process and the amount of process memory
storage available.


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