4 method groups, 1 manage method groups, Method groups – Metrohm tiamo 2.1 (ProcessLab) User Manual

Page 416: Manage method groups

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5.4 Method groups




tiamo 2.1 (ProcessLab)

[Make current]

Restores the selected method version as the current method version. This
creates a new method whose version number is increased by +1 compared
with the last version to have been saved


Method groups


Manage method groups

Dialog window: Method

File Method groups… Method groups

With the symbol

or with the menu item File

Method groups... the

dialog window Method groups is opened in which the user can manage
the method groups provided he has the necessary access rights. The infor-
mation on the existing method groups is shown in a table. The table cannot
be edited and is not automatically updated. With a click on the column title
the table can be sorted according to the selected column in either increasing
or decreasing order.


Name of the method group.


Number of methods in the method group.


Date and time when the method group was saved


Short name of the user who has saved the method group.

Full name

Full name of the user who saved the method group.


Comment on the method group.


Opens the dialog window Properties - Method group - 'New Group'
opens for defining a new method group (see Chapter 5.4.2, page 401).


Opens the dialog window Properties - Method group 'Name', in which
the method group selected in the table can be edited (see Chapter 5.4.2,
page 401)
