5 setting up tools, Selecting the correct operating mode, Preparing and measuring tools – HEIDENHAIN TNC 620 (81760x-02) ISO programming User Manual

Page 61: Setting up tools, Setting up tools 1.5

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Setting up tools



TNC 620 | User's ManualDIN/ISO Programming | 2/2015



Setting up tools

Selecting the correct operating mode

Tools are set up in the

Manual Operation mode:

Press the operating-mode key: The TNC switches
to the

Manual mode of operation

Further information on this topic

Operating modes of the TNC: see "Modes of operation",

page 71

Preparing and measuring tools

Clamp the required tools in their tool holders
When measuring with an external tool presetter: Measure the

tools, note down the length and radius, or transfer them directly

to the machine through a transfer program
When measuring on the machine: store the tools in the tool

changer, see page 63
