17 set maclock trap, Set maclock trap -61, Section – Enterasys Networks 1G58x-09 User Manual

Page 743: 17set maclock trap

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Security Configuration Command Set

Configuring MAC Locking

Matrix E1 Series (1G58x-09 and 1H582-xx) Configuration Guide

14-61 maclock trap

Use this command to enable or disable MAC lock trap messaging. When enabled, this authorizes
the device to send an SNMP trap message if an end station is connected that exceeds the maximum
values configured using the set maclock firstarrival and set maclock static commands. Violating
MAC addresses are dropped from the device’s routing table.

set maclock trap port-string {enable | disable}

Syntax Description

Command Defaults


Command Type

Switch command.

Command Mode



This example shows how to enable MAC lock trap messaging on Fast Ethernet front panel port 3:


Specifies the port on which MAC lock trap messaging
will be enabled or disabled. For a detailed description of
possible port-string values, refer to

Section 4.1.2


enable | disable

Enables or disables MAC lock trap messaging.

Matrix>set maclock trap fe.0.3 enable

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