Metrohm 840 PC Control 5.0 / Touch Control User Manual

Page 146

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3.18 Results and more determination data


PC Control / Touch Control

The following data is shown for each determination:
• The user who was logged in when the determination was carried

out is shown under User. If you are working with login and

password protection (see Section 3.7.7), you can be certain that

only authorized users can carry out determinations.

• Under Sample number the sample number entered at the end of

the determination under Control is shown.

• The Start counter is, like the sample number, increased by one at

each START of a determination. However, the start counter cannot

be reset by the user. This therefore permits a check of the

uninterrupted documentation of all determinations. You can

see how often the Titrando system has been started from the start


• The Determination duration is the time between the START of the

determination and the proper end of the sequence or manual

termination with [STOP].

• Under Method status the status of the method which was used to

carry out the determination is shown (see online help). The

Method name is shown under Results.

• Under Determination the name of the determination will be shown

if it has been saved.

• Under Determination end the way in which the determination was

ended is shown (see online help).

• The Determination status shows the current status of the

determination (see online help).

The following information will only be shown if the determination has

been recalculated. If under Login options/Modification options

(see Section 3.7.7) the entry of a reason for recalculations has been

activated then the reason and any comment accompanying it will be

Recalculated by shows the user who was logged in when the

determination was recalculated for the last time.

Recalculated on shows the date and time when the determination

was recalculated for the last time.

The following information will only be shown when the determination

has been signed at level 1.
• The user who signed the determination at level 1 is shown under

Reviewed by.

• The date and time at which the determination was signed at level 1

is shown under Reviewed on.

The following information will only be shown when the determination

has been signed at level 2.
• The user who signed the determination at level 2 is shown under

Released by.

• The date and time at which the determination was signed at level 2

is shown under Released on.
