10 dosing and liquid handling, 1 dosing (add), 2 liquid handling (lqh) – Metrohm 840 PC Control 5.0 / Touch Control User Manual

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4.10 Dosing and liquid handling


PC Control / Touch Control

4.10 Dosing and liquid handling

With the dosing commands you can add a fixed volume in the method

sequence; exchange or dosing units can also be prepared and emptied

automatically. Complex dosing tasks can be carried out comfortably

with the liquid handling commands.

4.10.1 Dosing (ADD)

The ADD command is used to add a preset volume of a solution.
Volume (d): Volume to be added.
Dosing rate (d): Rate at which the volume is to be added. The

maximum dosing rate depends on the cylinder volume of the ex-

change or dosing unit used (see Section 3.8.6).

Filling rate (d): Rate at which the dosing cylinder is refilled after

addition has been carried out. The maximum filling rate depends on

the cylinder volume of the exchange or dosing unit used (see Sec-

tion 3.8.6).

Under Control device you can select the control device (Titrando,

USB Sample Processor etc.) with which the dosing or liquid handling

command is to be carried out. This button will only be shown when

several control devices have been configured under System/Device

manager (see Section 3.10). The device names are always shown in the

selection list.
The parameters for dosing devices and stirrers are described in Sec-

tion 4.1.5. Selection of the direct parameters is described in Sec-

tion 4.1.6.

4.10.2 Liquid handling (LQH)

This command can be used to carry out liquid handling tasks with a

Dosino (type 700 or 800) dosing device. Together with a USB Sample

Processor the versatile possibilities of the Dosino can be used to the full

extent. The four ports of the dosing units for the Dosino can be used as

inlet or outlet ports as defined by the user. This means that not only

simple dosing and filling processes are possible, but complex liquid

handling tasks such as pipetting and sample transfer can be carried

out without any problems. This requires several LQH and automation

commands that are best grouped together in subsequences (see Sec-

tion 4.12.6).
The dosing functions are to be used in such a way that, in addition to

the function, the port at which the function is to be carried out is also

given. This means the dosing unit inlet or outlet to which the valve disk

first moves in order that the required function is carried out. The defini-

tions of the ports is described in Section 6.5.1.
