Chapter 7: reporting & templates – HEIDENHAIN IK 5494-2D User Manual

Page 237

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Reporting and


Chapter 7:

Reporting & templates

Templates display measurement results, show program content and organize data for printed reports and

exported files. QC5200 templates include the:

• Feature template List of features measured

• Program template Listing of program steps

• Runs template Table of results of program executions (Runs) formatted for file export

• Report template Table of results formatted for printed reports

• Tolerance templates Tables of tolerance measurement results in a few commonly used formats

The default templates are formatted to fill most typical requirements, however templates can be edited to:

• Add or delete data

• Sort the order of data displayed

• Format data columns

• Include headers and footers

• Edit and format headers and footers

Multiple copies of templates can be opened, renamed and formatted to fill specific requirements. Tem-

plates are stacked in a single window by default to conserve screen space.

Finally and perhaps most importantly, the contents of templates can be printed as reports or exported as

data files.
