HEIDENHAIN IK 5494-2D User Manual

Page 282

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QC5200 Series User’s Guide

Specifying the program’s run time environment

The run time environment settings for part programs are contained in the Program Properties General setup

screen shown on the next page. These settings include:

Run program this many times

A number of program executions can be specified to simplify the process of measuring a series of identical

parts. Enter the desired number of sequential program executions into the data field.

Use machine reference frame

Check this box to insure that all datums are deleted prior to executing the program. This is essential when

a permanent fixture is used to hold the part because the first CNC moves used to establish a reference

frame for the part are performed automatically by the system using the datum that exists when the program

execution begins.

Empty feature list before running

Check this box to clear the Feature template at the beginning of each run on a new part. This restricts

the display of features to one part when a series of identical parts are being measured and reported by a

sequence of program executions.

Use probe teach values as recorded

This box pertains to a probe teach function included in the part program. Check this box to perform one

probe teach during the first program recording, and then use the teach values for all subsequent executions

in a series. Clear this box to perform a new probe teach at the beginning of each program execution.

Including a probe teach function in each program execution is useful when light conditions or part charac-

teristics are variable.

Do not report any errors during program execution

Check this box to suppress error reporting that displays messages and pauses program execution.

Prevent program from being modified by anyone but supervisor

Check this box to restrict program editing to supervisors and other personnel authorized to use the super-

visor’s password.

Close the part when done running

Check this box to automatically close the part when the program finishes executing. This function is typi-

cally used in an environment that restricts the user’s activities to loading a part and then running a single

automated series of feature measurements.

Randomly measure this percent of guide features

Typically, some features are designated as guide features and are displayed in the Part View window to

help users visualize the path but are not measured. However, in applications that include a large number
