Asynchronous receive – Zilog Z80230 User Manual

Page 103

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User Manual


Data Communication Modes


D2 also is affected by the state of WR7' bit D5. The All Sent bit, bit D0 of RR1, can be polled to

determine when the last bit of transmit data has cleared the TxD pin.

The number of transmit interrupts can be minimized by setting bit D5 of WR7' to one and writing

four bytes to the transmitter for each transmit interrupt. This requires that the system response to

interrupt is less than the time it takes to transmit one byte at the programmed baud rate. If the sys-

tem’s interrupt response time is too long to use this feature, bit D5 of WR7' should be reset to 0.

Then, poll the TBE bit and poll after each data write to test if there is space in the Transmit FIFO

for more data.

For details about the transmit DMA and transmit interrupts, see

Transmit Interrupts and Transmit

Buffer Empty Bit

on page 49.

Asynchronous Receive

Asynchronous mode is selected by specifying the number of stop bits per character in bits D3 and

D2 of WR4. This selection applies only to the transmitter, however, as the receiver always checks

for one stop bit. If after character assembly the receiver finds this stop bit to be a 0, the Framing

Error bit in the receive error FIFO is set at the same time that the character is transferred to the

receive data FIFO. This error bit accompanies the data to the exit location (CPU side) of the

Receive FIFO, where it is a special receive condition. The Framing Error bit is not latched, so it

must be read in RR1 before the accompanying data is read.

The number of bits per character is controlled by bits D7 and D6 of WR3. Five, six, seven or eight

bits per character may be selected via these two bits. Data is right justified with the unused bits set

to 1s. An additional bit, carrying parity information, may be selected by setting bit D0 of WR4 to

1. Note that this also enables parity for the transmitter. The parity sense is selected by bit D1 of

WR4. If this bit is set to 1, the received character is checked for even parity, and if set to 0, the

received character is checked for odd parity. The additional bit per character that is parity is trans-

ferred to the receive data FIFO along with the data, if the data plus parity is eight bits or less. The

parity error bit in the receive error FIFO may be programmed to cause special receive interrupts by

setting bit D2 of WR1 to 1. Once set, this error bit is latched and remains active until an Error

Reset command has been issued.

Since errors apply to specific characters, it is necessary that error information moves alongside the

data that it refers to. This is implemented in the SCC with an error FIFO in parallel with the data

FIFO. The three error conditions that the receiver checks for in Asynchronous mode are:

Framing errors—When a character’s stop bit is a 0.

Parity errors—The parity bit of a character disagrees with the sense programmed in WR4.

Overrun errors—When the Receive FIFO overflows.

If interrupts are not used to transfer data, the Parity Error, Framing Error, and Overrun Error bits in

RR1 should be checked before the data is removed from the receive data FIFO, because reading

data pops up the error information stored in the Error FIFO.

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