3 hot plugged disk for rebuilding, Bios configuration – Areca 24/4 Internal/External Port Pcie 3.0 12 Gb/s SAS/SATA Raid Controller 2Gb Cache User Manual

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Hot Plugged Disk For Rebuilding

Hot Plugged Disk For Rebuilding

Hot Plugged Disk For Rebuilding

Blank Disk Only



Blank Disk Only Hot Plugged Disk For Rebuilding

It defines if the RAID array volume should start rebuilding or

not when detects a disk is inserted/re-inserted during online.

The options are: “Blank Disk Only”, “Always”, and “Disable”. The

default is “Blank Disk Only”.

“Blank Disk Only”-it will trigger the rebuilding if and only if the

inserted disk has not been in the RAID array before, which has

no RAID signature on it. So when a previously removed disk is

self re-inserted, it won’t trigger the degraded RAID array to re-

build, and so that the administrator has a chance to identify this

mis-behaving disk and replaces it.

“Always” – it is what it was before. Whenever a disk is inserted/

re-inserted whether new or previously existed, it always trigger

a rebuilding for the Degraded RAID set/Volume.

“Disable” – it will not trigger rebuilding regardless what sort of

disk plugging in.When “Disable” and/or “Blank Disk Only” is se-

lected, the re-inserted/previously removed disk will be identified

as a disk in a separate RAID set with duplicated RAIDset#

and with all the rest of RAID members missing.
